Department of Computer Science
Signal Image Machine Learning Team
XAION is among the first platforms for explainable artificial intelligence(XAI) competitions dedicated to both educators and industry. We host AI challenges that can be solved by underlying explainable by design machine learning models or by standard deep learning models with model agnostic algorithms on top of them, with the goal of providing human-understandable solutions. We belive our AI challenges will motivate the development of your company in the digital future ! We go beyond the accuracy percentages and we encourage the usage of model-agnostic explainability models like the LIME, SHAP, permutation importance, partial dependency plots, class activation mapping etc. that are independent of the machine learning model and that are not intefering with the standard development and training.
Do you know machine learning but you are new to XAI ?
No problem, our trilingual XAIBOT can help you on your journey. Also, you can consult the XAI.Pro section, where you can find a demonstrative XAI project.
Is your company facing a pattern recognition or a classification task ?
Do you need an AI solution for your company development that has an understandable solution for your clients ? Do you have critical operation context in which the machine decision cannot be wrong and it has to be explainable to the operator ?
THEN THIS IS THE RIGHT PLACE FOR YOU ! Create an XAI competition and select the best possible solution that the AI community could provide.
Because XAI = Trustworthiness AI!